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5 Ways Communication and Advertising Agencies Can Leverage Contract Lifecycle Management Software

One of the biggest challenges communication and advertising agencies have is managing contracts efficiently and effectively. But with the coming of contract lifecycle management (CLM) software, agencies can streamline the entire process right under one platform. In this article, find out how communication and advertising agencies can benefit from CLM software. 1. Creating Compliant Contracts
Category: Okategoriserade

How Companies Should Handle the Negative Press

Nothing can describe the public relations nightmare that ensues when a company gets negative press. You should never underestimate the impact of negative publicity. Big giants have been felled by getting media coverage that paints them in bad light. Of course, everyone in the communication fields wishes they would stop the press before their company
Category: Okategoriserade

Tips on Getting the Media to Cover PR Events

One of the biggest headaches for people working in PR firms is always the task of getting traditional media to cover their events. Somehow, there exists some level of poor working relations between the two professions. The good news is that with the right strategies, PR companies can catch the attention of the media. Some
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Using Google Ads for Advertisements

According to Google, every day, people use Google to search about 3.5 billion times; that is about 2.5 million searches every second. If you use Google Ads for marketing your business, without a doubt, you gain vast opportunities to get your products or services out to people. By using Google Ads, you can boost web
Category: Okategoriserade

Getting the messaging right in your advertising

Constantly dropping attention spans is making it harder for companies to get their advertising messages to potential customers. This means that they are having to come up with more innovative ways of communicating about their products and services and ensure that they have a clear message to share. A lot of this has been achieved
Category: Okategoriserade

Ensuring Your Adverts Communicate Effectively

The internet has completely transformed how people do business. For instance, online shopping has opened up the market, enabling businesses to sell to customers even overseas. As such, you are competing for the same customer in your town with a company based a thousand miles away. This calls for even smarter advertising. You have to
Category: Okategoriserade

Top Three Effective and Easy E-Commerce Communication Tactics

Communication is the essence of any marketing strategy. Miscommunication, inadequate communication, and other communication mistakes can hamper sales from a brick and mortar store as well as an online store. E-commerce marketing is not as easy as many people think, and a quick web search will reveal hundreds of ways to do it. However, not
Category: Okategoriserade

Communication activities for companies

  A company that cannot communicate effectively is essentially doomed. From getting the word out to announcing new products and services, communication is vital both inside and outside a company. It is for this reason that a company needs to adopt practices that let it communicate effectively. When doing so, a company needs to understand
Category: Marketing and communication

Communication in Organizations

  Regardless of the organization you are a part of, the need for good communication is paramount, and it is not too difficult to maintain a high level of discourse in the work environment. Just a few good practices and a solid plan of action is all you need. No matter your level within the
Category: Marketing and communication

Communication with emoji

  Like or not, emojis are taking over the world of communication. There is no escaping them these days, and the older generation just doesn’t know what to think about it. Many researchers say that the advancement of emoji communication is, in fact, a good thing. A common belief shared by many is that these
Category: Marketing and communication